Students will be working from a live model and or photographic reference as Paul demonstrates and lectures on all the principles and techniques needed to execute a traditional portrait. To ensure personal guidance from Paul throughout each program, workshops are strictly limited to 6 students. With demonstrations and lectures given each day students are taken through a step-by-step procedure…watch, listen, learn, and then apply. Combined with individual attention, critiques and hands on instruction, students will have the opportunity to create a finished portrait under Paul’s guidance. Beginners and advanced students alike will certainly benefit from the experience.

Portrait Drawing from Life - 4 Day Workshop
Here is your opportunity to learn the primary foundation for all portrait work. This course is specifically designed for the beginning and intermediate portrait artist that seldom works from life or perhaps has been too intimidated to try. It is Paul’s belief that only by working and studying from life an artist will be able to tell truth from lie if the need to work from photographic reference arises. With instruction on the proper use of angles, plumb lines and relative measurement, students will learn how to acquire correct proportions in order to achieve a likeness of the model. With the inclusion of rendering techniques you will learn how to draw and render form in a realistic fashion.
Click here to view and print the materials list
May 28 - 31, 2020
Fee: $600
McCormack Studios, Inc.
129 Overlook Ave.
Beacon, NY 12508
Phone: (845) 380-9546

Watercolor Portraits from Photo Reference – 5 Day Workshop
In today’s competitive market of portraiture all professional artists eventually find that it’s necessary to learn how to properly work from photographic reference. In addition to Paul’s regular course of instruction, lectures will include how to take good photographic reference shots, lighting and posing your subject, printing your own photos for optimal color and how to deal with distortion.
For the exacting realism found in Paul’s work, most of day one will focus primarily on the drawing aspect of the portrait. Photographs of a model will be supplied to the student. With instruction on the proper use of angles, plumb lines and relative measurement, students will learn how to acquire correct proportions in order to achieve a likeness of the model. Using this method a line drawing will be executed by the student on drawing paper and broken down into 2 values of light shadow. The drawing will then be transferred to a sheet of 140lb cold pressed watercolor paper that has been pre-stretched. As the course continues, this intensive 5 day workshop will then focus on painting and the 3 basic watercolor techniques that Paul uses to execute all of his watercolor paintings; wet-into-wet, wet-onto-dry (glazing) and his signature dry brush technique. Lectures will include basic color theory, how to see and execute correct value relations, proper treatment of edges, and so much more.
Click here to view and print the materials list
July 8 - 12, 2020
10am – 5pm
Fee: $750
McCormack Studios, Inc.
129 Overlook Ave.
Beacon, NY 12508
Phone: (845) 380-9546

Oil Portraits from Photo Reference - 5 Day Workshop
Students will be working from photographic reference as Paul demonstrates and lectures on all the principles and techniques needed to execute a traditional portrait in oils. With demonstrations and lectures given each day students are taken through a step-by-step procedure…watch, listen, learn, and then apply. Combined with individual attention, critiques and hands on instruction, students will have the opportunity to create a finished portrait under Paul’s guidance. Beginners and advanced students alike will certainly benefit from the experience.
Beginning with a drawing, students will learn how to acquire correct proportions in order to achieve a likeness. Drawings will then be transferred to a stretched canvas, inked in and followed by a full color ébauche. The course will then continue with demonstrations and lectures on color mixing, and paint application. Students will learn how and when to work with thin and thick paint, the theory behind the use of broken color, how to see and execute correct value relations, proper treatment of edges and how to model features in a realistic fashion. Lectures also include how to take good photographic reference shots, lighting your subject, printing your own photos for optimal color and how to deal with distortion.
Click here to view and print the materials list
September 9 - 13, 2020
10am – 5pm
Fee: $750
McCormack Studios, Inc.
129 Overlook Ave.
Beacon, NY 12508
Phone: (845) 380-9546